Originally published in the Jakarta
Globe, 27/04/09
Andrew Beatty describes travel writing,
with its inherent risks of oversimplification and misinterpretation, as “a
strange and remarkable art.” He prefers the alternative: instead of ranging
widely and treading lightly, the author stays in one place to observe it
closely, producing the kind of book filed on “travel” shelves only because of
its exotic locale. These books can, of course, be every bit as banal as the
traditional travelogue — as countless tales of years in Tuscany, Bali and
Provence attest. But Beatty’s new non-moving travel book, “A Shadow Falls: In
the Heart of Java,” is anything but banal — it’s one of the most sensitive and
insightful books on Indonesia in recent years.
In the 1990s Beatty, a British
anthropologist, made two long stays in a village he disguises with the pseudonym
Bayu, on the lower slopes of Ijen volcano near Banyuwangi, East Java. This area
has always been Java’s Wild East, the last part of the island to convert to
Islam, and for centuries a refuge of renegades and rebels. Even today it has a
sinister reputation for black magic. But for Beatty, who previously lived among
the sometimes troublesome tribes of Nias off Sumatra, it was a place of dreamy
mildness – “a featherbed so soft one was hardly aware of its sustaining
His time in Java produced an
important academic book, “Varieties of Javanese Religion.” One of the book’s
key assertions was that the familiar arbitrary division of Javanese Muslims
into staunchly orthodox santri and avowedly non-practicing abangan was at best
an oversimplification. Most people, Beatty pointed out, were somewhere in
between. And it was the classic Javanese art of compromise that allowed people
from both extremes — as well as those from the middle ground — to coexist
happily within one community.
The most striking thing about
“Varieties of Javanese Religion” was how readable it was. Rare among books of
serious anthropology, this work was rich with color, anecdote and character. It
was hard not to conclude that here was a talented travel writer itching to
burst out of the confines of academic convention. Now, a decade later, Beatty
has returned to the same material to write “A Shadow Falls,” not for students
of anthropology this time, but for the wider public.
The same subject matter — the
striking diversity of belief and practice among people, all nominally Muslim,
in one small community — the same incidents, even the same dialogues, are
revisited here. But in this book, Beatty has been free to exercise his
considerable descriptive talents to the full. The result is a remarkable
portrayal of the rhythms and the rich religious mosaic of a Javanese village.
Clearly no detached observer, Beatty
threw himself into the life of Bayu, learning the local Javanese dialect,
bringing his wife and young children to live in the village, hosting his own
prayer meals and even being initiated into a mystical sect. But Beatty has
resisted the populist urge to make this, like so many “living abroad” books,
all about himself and his family. The book is principally about the people of
Bayu, not the foreigner who lived among them.
Too many books on Indonesia by
outsiders descend into cheap exoticism — all wayang kulit and beautiful
maidens. But Beatty avoids patronizing his Javanese subjects, or hyping their
foreignness. Presented largely through their own words — meticulously recorded
as part of Beatty’s original research — the cast of cerebral mystics, simple
traditionalists and zealous reformers all appear very much as ordinary people.
For most of “A Shadow Falls” there
is little narrative — not much happens in a Javanese village. But the richness
of the scene-setting and the strength of the characters make conventional
narrative unnecessary. Beatty captures the atmosphere of rural Java very
effectively. The taste of sweet black coffee, the women’s gossip over
onion-peeling duties in bamboo kitchens, the late-night motorbike trips to
smoky pool halls in town and the bleary-eyed wait through the long hours of
village dance-dramas for the terrifying moment of spirit-possession that comes
just before dawn; all of it appears here in clean, clear prose.
Occasionally the sheer complexity
and variety of traditional belief in Java may baffle some casual readers — the
old abangan-santri designations could have been better explained, as could the
Sangkan Paran mystical sect that Beatty joins, and the endless round of
slametan prayer meals that the villagers hold. But without delving into
academia you’ll find no other such comprehensive account of religion in Java.
In the last hundred pages, a
narrative suddenly emerges. When Beatty and his family stayed for their second
time in Bayu in 1996, they found a country where old political certainties were
unraveling, and a village where old compromises between traditionalists and
Islamist modernizers were themselves being compromised. Mosque prayer-calls
were getting ever louder, more girls were wearing headscarves and the mystics
and traditionalists were losing ground to the orthodox — defeated, Beatty seems
to suggest, by their own passivity and instinct for compromise.
Given its deeper, older
complexities, attempts to make sense of Indonesia as an “Islamic country”
usually come badly unstuck. Beatty was no passer-by with a phrasebook and a set
of preconceived notions, and he fell into no such trap in his academic work. So
it’s hard not to suspect an editorial influence in the occasional attempts in
this book to hammer Java’s square peg into the round hole of global resurgent
But for the most part Beatty avoids
making too many definitive statements of his own about such matters. For this
book is really just a vivid, non-judgmental portrait of one small village in
Java. It gives a voice to the people of that village . In doing this, “A Shadow
Falls” is a triumph.
© Tim Hannigan 2009
Only seems to be available in UK at the moment which is a shame, can't even pre-order it on Amazon.com. Incidentally can you give a ballpark figure for what papers like JakGlobe pay for this kind of writing?
I saw this guy being interviewed on BBC World a few weeks back around the time of the elections. The book looks really interesting. Looking forward to reading it when I get back.
nice one mr!
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